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Price reduction up to -50.3%

Thanks to the increased use of AI (artificial intelligence) in our pre-production, we have been able to permanently reduce the prices for 1- and 2-layer printed circuit boards.E.g., the price for a 2-layer PCB with 80mm x 100mm is now € 14.80 instead of € 29.80.

Your advantages:

  • Multi-CB guarantees consistent and transparent pricing
  • e.g. 2 layers 80 x 100mm for €14.80 in 8WD
  • High-tech always included - e.g. 0.1mm tracks/annular ring, 0.2mm drills
  • Variable production time - standard from 4WD, Express from 1WD
  • Comprehensive technical advice - your CAM engineer on: 0049 (0)8104/6280

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Savings through pooling & AI:

The in-house developed AI software optimally takes into account the technical parameters of the PCB and guarantees the best possible utilisation of the production lines. Panelisation for pooling production also benefits from this development.

For 1 to 8-layer PCBs, Multi-CB also offers a leading number in Europe of parameters in the pooling production process. In this process, orders from different customers are produced in the same production panel for optimum capacity utilisation.

The alternative would be costly special production. The AI-supported pooling production process therefore enables an otherwise unattainably attractive price and short production time.

In addition, special technologies such as Rigid-Flex and High-Frequency PCBs can either be calculated automatically online or offered to you in a thoroughly optimised quotation process.
