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Manufacturing tolerances

Thanks to a high degree of automation, the latest machinery, highly qualified staff and seamless control / analysis, we keep our processes stable. Our decades of experience help us to make the right decisions.

Our circuit boards are manufactured in accordance with the valid IPC guidelines and standards (et al. IPC-A-600 class 2) and on the basis of the following technical specifications (tolerances). HDI- (High-Density-Interconnect) or MFT- (Micro Fineline Technology) boards can be produced with smaller tolerances.

Deviating specifications must be explicitly agreed!

The specified tolerances are the maximum deviations that can still be tolerated. Experience has shown that the PCBs actually manufactured are well within these maximum values.

The hole pattern for vias (DK) goes through all the layers of the circuit and therefore serves as a location reference for the other patterns.

Drilling pattern (PTH) to conductive pattern outer layers±0,10mm
Drilling pattern (PTH) to conductive pattern inner layers ±0,15mm
Drilling pattern (PTH) to milling pattern / contour±0,10mm
Drilling pattern (NPTH) to milling pattern / contour±0,10mm
Drilling pattern (PTH) to legend print±0,15mm
Conductive pattern to solder resist±0,10mm
Conductive pattern to legend print±0,20mm
Hole to hole, one pass* (PTH-PTH or NPTH-NPTH)±0,05mm
Hole to hole, two passes (PTH-NPTH)±0,10mm

* Also applies for PTH-NPTH if they are drilled in one run (e.g. location holes for SMD stencils).

*From a final diameter of approx. 6.0mm (depending on the surface) the holes are milled, not drilled.
Plated-through-holes (PTH) and component holes±0,10mm
Non-plated-through-holes (NPTH)±0,08mm
Press-fit (drilled)±0,05mm
> on request+0,10mm/-0mm
Press-fit (milled*)±0,075mm

Via typeClass 2 (standard)class 3
Via (> 150µm)min. 20µm - 25µmmin. 20µm - 25µm
Microvia (≤ 150µm)min. 18µm - 20µmmin. 20µm - 25µm
Blind Viamin. 10µm - 12µmmin. 10µm - 12µm
Buried Viamin. 10µm - 12µmmin. 10µm - 12µm

*acc. to IPC-6012C
Conductor width*min. 80%in comparsion to the data
Conductor space*max. 30% reduction (standard)in comparsion to the data

TypeTolerance Mode
Impedance control10%normal
Impedance control5%extended

Milling offset±0,10mm
Z-Axis milling depth±0,20mm

Offset (to PCB center)±0,10mm
Drilling pattern (PTH) to scoring pattern±0,15mm
Drilling pattern (NPTH) to scoring pattern±0,20mm
PCB dimension x/y±0,15mm
Scoring depth±0,20mm

Base material thickness±10%

The information about the base material thickness exclusively defines the thickness of the dielectric including base copper. The other layer structures such as electroplated Cu layers or solder resist layers result in increased final thickness.

Dielectric thickness ≥ 0,075mm±10%
0,025mm ≤ Dielectric thickness ≥ 0,075mm±10%
0,020mm ≤ Dielectric thickness ≥ 0,025mm±12,5%
Dielectric thickness < 0,020mm±15%
Adhesive thickness ≥ 0,075mm±10%
0,025mm ≤ Adhesive thickness ≥ 0,075mm±15%
0,020mm ≤ Adhesive thickness ≥ 0,025mm±20%
Adhesive thickness < 0,020mm±30%
For woven or combinations with woven stiffener:
Adhesive thickness ≥ 0,025mm

Specifications according to IPC-4204A. The information on the thickness of the base material defines solely the dielectric thickness or adhesive thickness incl. base copper. The other layer structures such as e.g. galvanic Cu or solder-stop lead to an increased circuit final thickness.

Producibility level B (standard)The higher value of ±10% or ±178µm

Thickness tolerances for pressed multilayers according to IPC-2222A. When measured over metallizations or coatings, those thicknesses and tolerances must be considered.

Flexible part thickness±50µm
Flexible part + stiffener thickness±100µm

For PCBs ≥ 0,8mm thicknessTolerance
with SMD0,75%
without SMD1,50%

Please note that the twist & bow value is increased above average, if the copper balance of the PCB is locally very unequal or if the circuit board is very thin.

* IPC-6012: Fully covered and solderable | ** not reliable empirical values
SurfaceRoHS-compliantSolderingBonding aluminium wireBonding gold wireBGAsFlex-/Rigid-FlexPress-fit TechnologyGold FingersSliding contactsThicknessShelf lifeReflow Cycles
Hal SnPb check    check  >5µmca.12 Monate5**
HAL Lead freecheckcheck    check  laut IPC-6012*ca. 12 Monate5**
Chemical tincheckcheck  check check  >1µmca. 6 Monate5**
Chemical silvercheckcheckcheck check check  0.12 - 0.3µmca. 6 Monate5**
Chemical Gold
checkcheckcheck checkcheckcheck  3-6µm Ni
0.05-0.1µm Au
ca. 12 Monate5**
ENEPIGcheckcheckcheckcheckcheck check  3-8µm Ni
0.05-0.15µm Pd
0.05-0.1µm Au
ca. 12 Monate-
Galvanic softgoldcheckcheck check     4 - 6µm Ni
>1µm Au
ca. 12 Monate-
Galvanic hardgoldcheck      checkcheck4 - 6µm Ni
0.8 - 2µm Au
ca. 12 Monate
auf Anfrage

Dielectric strength min. 500V DC.
TypeCoating thickness
On the PCB> 10µm
On the conductor edge> 5µm

1 - 20 pcs.Excess or short delivery 0%
from 21 pcs.Excess or short delivery of up to 10%

On request, we also deliver quantities of more than 20 pieces in exact quantities, without under- or over-delivery.
The (single) piece rule also applies when ordering as panel.

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