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Multi-CB holidays 2022

Due to the dispatch of the goods from Bavaria/Germany, the holidays are mainly based on the Bavarian holidays. Our UK locations remain open on certain days.

Your advantage: Our PCB calculator shows automatically the estimated dispatch date!

15.04.22 (Karfreitag)closedclosedclosed
18.04.22 (Ostermontag)closedclosedclosed
26.05.22 (Christi Himmelfahrt)closedopenopen
06.06.22 (Pfingstmontag)closedopenopen
16.06.22 (Fronleichnam)closedopenclosed
15.08.22 (Mariä Himmelfahrt)closedopenclosed
03.10.22 (Tag der Dt. Einheit)closedopenclosed
01.11.22 (Allerheiligen)closedopenclosed

Apart from above days, we are there for you continuously throughout the year. We will inform you about our Christmas closure in a timely manner.

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